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  • How do I enrol my child?
    Families can enrol their child through Niagara Region's Child Care Registry (OneHSN). If there is space available we can get started on enrolling your child right away! Otherwise, you will be added directly to our waitlist. We are excited to welcome your family to our community!
  • Is the school open year-round?
    No. Grimsby Community Preschool operates from September through June (inclusive). Classes are not in session during July and August. You can register your child online anytime via Niagara Region's Child Care Registry (OneHSN)!
  • When does the school day begin and end?
    The school day begins at 9:15AM. We kindly ask that students arrive no later than 10AM. Half-day students are dismissed at 11:45AM. Full-day students are dismissed at 3PM. Note that we do not offer before and after school care.
  • How long has the preschool been in operation?
    Grimsby Community Preschool first opened on September 21, 1971 - we have been an integral part of the community for over 50 years! We have had many members who attended Grimsby Community Preschool as children and are now bringing their children to the school!
  • Who oversees the operation of the preschool?
    The operation is overseen by the board of directors and the school’s Executive Director. We are licensed by the Ministry of Education - Early Learning Division and inspections are also done annually by the Niagara Regional Public Health Department and the Grimsby Fire Department. We have a Purchase of Service Agreement with the Niagara Region Childcare Division which supports us financially and in many other areas.
  • Can I come and visit the preschool before I register my child?
    We encourage all perspective families to come by for a visit – we feel this is the best way to find out if our school is a good fit for your family. We ask that you please make an appointment by telephone prior to your visit. Please contact us for current policies surrounding tours due to Covid-19.
  • Can my child start preschool at any time during the year?
    We accept registrations until March of the current school year, as long as there is space available.
  • Am I permitted to visit my child throughout the day?
    Of course! We encourage parents to come and visit the preschool whenever they like. We would, however, appreciate not more than two parents per class at a time. Please note, parents do not have unsupervised access to children in the preschool. *During ongoing enhanced safety surrounding Covid-19 visits will be suspended until further notice.
  • Am I required to commit to duty days?
    There are no duty days at Grimsby Community Preschool. This requirement, common in co-operative preschool environments, was eliminated in this organization a number of years ago to accommodate the needs of today’s modern family. We have staff in place to cover our ratios which is 1 adult to 8 children.
  • My child has a severe allergy. What is your allergy policy?
    Grimsby Community Preschool is a nut-free school. If a child attending Grimsby Community Preschool has an allergy, nut related or otherwise, the allergy will be posted in each playroom, as well as in the child’s file. The staff will be aware of the allergy. It if is a serious allergy, where an EpiPen is required, parents need to complete an Individual Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan and hang it in the classroom. The preschool is a nut free school.
  • What are you doing to ensure my child will be safe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic?
    Your child's well-being is our number one priority, before the current pandemic, and now more than ever. We have made enhancements to our hygiene practices as well as a strict, multi-step screening procedure to make sure the school is a safe environment for your child and our staff during this time. To read more about our day to day policies regarding COVID-19 please head over to our ABOUT US page.
  • How will I know how my child is doing throughout the day?
    We use a free mobile app program called Lillio to keep parents updated and informed about their child’s progress. As often as we can, we send electronic reports and photos home to let parents know how their child is doing. Our parents love Lillio and feel very informed about their child’s day.
  • I am afraid my child will become upset when I leave, how will this be handled?
    It is normal for young children to become upset when separated from their parents for the first time. We encourage you to leave your child in the capable hands of our experienced teachers. We will work with your child, and provide special attention as they transition into the classroom.
  • My child will be absent. How do I let the school know?
    Please use the Lillio app to let us know your child will be absent from school. Simply open the app, and tap the "Mark Absent" button at the top of the screen. From there, you can select the reason for your child's absence using the convenient drop-down menu.
  • Does my child need to be potty-trained?
    Your child does not need to be toilet-trained to attend Grimsby Community Preschool. Our teachers work to the best of their ability to help carry over your training efforts while your child is at preschool. In fact, the influence from peers will often help with the toilet training process!
  • Do I need to pack my child a lunch?
    No - actually we do not allow any outside food or drinks to be brought into the school. The children are provided with a morning snack, as well as hot lunch and afternoon snack for the full day class. Our meals are catered by Little Ones Lunches, and all snacks and meals are included in the monthly fees.
  • What should my child wear to school?
    We encourage you to send your children to school in comfortable, simple clothing that is easily taken on and off independently for bathroom breaks, and that are appropriate for often messy play and artwork! A dedicated pair of indoor running shoes are required for wearing inside.
  • Will the children play outside every day?
    Our goal is to incorporate active outdoor play every day, weather permitting. We follow the Ontario Ministry of Education’s guidelines, which is to go outside unless it is raining, or -15 degrees (with the windchill) or colder. Please keep this in mind as you send weather appropriate outdoor attire, such as hat, mittens, snowpants, boots and coat in the winter, and splash pants, rubber boots and lighter jacket in the fall and spring, and apply sunscreen before arriving at school.
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